Plan your backpack outing with Less Traveled Trails!

Seek out the Less Traveled Trails of New Mexico’s backcountry. Immerse yourself in beautiful remote areas such as: Valles Caldera National Preserve, Bandelier National Monument, Ghost Ranch, the Continental Divide Trail, and National Forest wilderness areas. We offer scheduled and customized backpacking adventures of two days or more for individuals, families & friends, small groups, and organizations. Certified in Wilderness First Aid, CPR, and Food Handling. Permitted and insured for use of public lands. Chief Guide Brian Johnson has led outings in New Mexico for over 25 years. All experience levels and inquiries welcome.

Less Traveled Trails is New Mexico’s only local guiding company for overnight backpacking.

…I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost

We feature overnight backpack trips for small groups, up to 5 days in beautiful New Mexico backcountry.

Call 505-490-7033 or email for more information.

Looking for a one-day outing? Contact Outspire Hiking & Snowshoeing:,
505-660-0394. Ask for Brian Johnson to be your Guide!