Reserve your 2025 Winter, Spring, Winter, and Fall outings with Less Traveled Trails !

Less Traveled Trails in the local news

AVAILABLE DATES – Hiking, Snowshoeing, SnowHiking, Backpacking                     505-490-7033               

February 1-3, 7, 11-13, 21, 22 27, 28

March 1-7, 14, 15-30, 31

April 1-30          May 1-17, 19-31

June 1-10, 11-30      July 1-7, 8-31

Other dates? August-September-October? ⇒ Inquire

  • Book Now: only 3 openings each trip

Less Traveled Trails is an outdoor guiding company for hiking, snowshoeing, and backpack trips to a variety of areas in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. Feel free to inquire and get on the Less Traveled Trails’ calendar. The challenges of nature and solitude continue to inspire, as we….

Seek out the less traveled trails of New Mexico’s backcountry. Immerse yourself in beautiful remote places such as Bandelier National Monument, Ghost Ranch, the Continental Divide Trail (CDT), and National Forest wilderness areas. Based in Santa Fe, Less Traveled Trails specializes in backpack outings and yurt trips of two days or more, for individuals, families & friends, small groups, and organizations. One-day adventures of hiking and snowshoeing can also be arranged. Chief Guide Brian Johnson has been leading outings in New Mexico since 1990. He is certified as a Wilderness First Responder, in CPR, Leave No Trace practices, and in Food Handling. Brian volunteers with the CDT Coalition in maintaining 20 miles of adopted CDT segments. Less Traveled Trails is authorized and insured for use of public lands. All experience levels and inquiries are welcome.

Less Traveled Trails, LLC operates under permit on the Carson National Forest, the Santa Fe National Forest, and Bandelier National Monument.

Less Traveled Trails offers customized backpack outings:



“This was a great opportunity to not only learn new techniques, but exercise mind, body, and soul.”

“This was our first time snowshoeing and Brian made the experience wonderful. It was the highlight of our trip to Santa Fe!”

“I enjoyed the challenges of the trip and loved the location.”

“Wonderful outing and felt like I was in good hands considering Brian’s background and training.”

“Thanks again, Brian, for your meticulous planning and timely communications.”

“I will long cherish the Bandelier hiking day. What a great experience.”

“Thank you for the experience and education!”

“Very thorough!”

“We have used Less Traveled Trails 3x in the past few years for snowshoeing and each one has been so much fun.”

“We spent a great three days together. Two days hiking, one day snowshoeing. You are a wonderful guide and host.”

Less Traveled Trails is New Mexico’s only local guiding company for overnight backpacking.

…I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost

We feature overnight backpack trips for small groups, up to 5 days in beautiful New Mexico backcountry.

Call 505-490-7033 or email for more information.

Looking for a one-day outing? Contact Outspire Hiking & Snowshoeing:,
505-660-0394. Ask for Brian Johnson to be your Guide!

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